Thursday, 24 December 2015

Tools, Eyes, Inspirational Blogs and Christmas.....

My friend Lucy recently moved house, and donated her modelling supplies to me as she had no room for them. I now have just about every sculpting tool you can buy, I also have a large amount of Super Sculpey oven bake clay, some stuff called CX5 which is a sculpting wax, various gauges of wire and a wax melter!
Awesome! Thanks Lucy!

I had been trying to sculpt eyes, but was not having much success, and then I read in a blog (can't remember which one, sorry) that it's easier to use plastic beads. When I sculpt the heads, I hollow out the eye sockets and pop the beads in, simple!  Now my models have eyes that are the same size, and aren't squashed flat! I think it might be trickier with oven bake polymer clay though!

Over the last few months I have found a couple of blogs that I refer to on a regular basis, they are both informative and have lots of tutorials and links to tutorials. Definitely worth checking out.

Don't eat The Paint

Shoestring Stable

Miss December is Feathers the Irish Cob (almost finished).

Today is Christmas Eve, so I'll be back in the new year, in the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas, and happy sculpting!

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